welcome to the shady whispers podcast

new episodes published every friday

lull yourself into a sense of relaxation 

with soft-spoken readings of whimsical, curious and strange tales.  

stories are chosen from classic literature, philosophy & psychology texts, 

and various rabbit hole deep-dives on wikipedia.

shady whispers
shady whispers
alice’s adventures in wonderland: chapters 10-12

finished + current readings

episodes released weekly

fridays at 10am est

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intro + ch. 1-3



released on

friday march 31st @ 10am est

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about your hostess

heyshadylady is always in search of a quiet, mellow space to enjoy 

some peace and relaxation in. having suffered from chronic stress & anxiety for far too long; she has decided to bring a sense of calm to herself 

by helping provide that for others simultaneously. 


a passionate reader with a thirst for knowledge

shady finds herself drowning in a busy life as a full-time content creator, with hardly a moment to pick up a book.  


and so she has found herself at a crossroads and a solution:
a relaxing soft-spoken podcast reading books out loud… 


a cozy space that allows her to free two birds with one key.